
Zebulun's Website

"Yeah, man!"

Welcome to my website! My name is Zebulun, and I will tell you about some miscellaneous stuff about me!

Travelling and Trains

3801, the steam train The Broken Hill Sculpture, Bajo el sol Jaguar

Well, most schoolkids like me hate trains, However, I LOVE trains!

My teacher, Kurt Punzet, is a huge train lover, and so I will explain my great fondness of trains.

Wait, Wait, Wait! didn't the header say TRAVELLING and trains?

Well, the thing is that I also like travelling too! In fact, I have a whole folder on Google Drive about it!

For more information, see my Google Drive Folder by clicking here, to see travelling and trains galore!

My (informal) writing career

As some of you know, I also love writing. I have been writing books since I was 6.

My first book was one I created on an Ipad app, called "Book Maker", in kindergarten. I titled it "The funnest day ever"

My first book, The Funnest Day ever