"Yeah, man!"
Welcome to my website! My name is Zebulun, and I will tell you about some miscellaneous stuff about me!
Well, most schoolkids like me hate trains, However, I LOVE trains!
My teacher, Kurt Punzet, is a huge train lover, and so I will explain my great fondness of trains.
Wait, Wait, Wait! didn't the header say TRAVELLING and trains?
Well, the thing is that I also like travelling too! In fact, I have a whole folder on Google Drive about it!
For more information, see my Google Drive Folder by clicking here, to see travelling and trains galore!
As some of you know, I also love writing. I have been writing books since I was 6.
My first book was one I created on an Ipad app, called "Book Maker", in kindergarten. I titled it "The funnest day ever"